
Why register?

Purchase a code (Credit card online)

How to register?

Lost Registration Code Policy

Other Purchase Method (Fax, Phone, Postal mail)

  Why register?

This software is shareware and is supported by your registrations. Your support will help us create even better and easier-to-use software.

Other Benefits of Registration:
1. Enjoy Audio Edit Magic with no time/feature restrictions!
2. Unlimited upgrades for the life of the product!
3. Unlimited technical support!

  Purchase a code.

Launch your browser and go to . Once there, click on the BuyNow link and follow the online instructions. If you want an alternative to credit card payment, click here to see other purchase method.

Buy Audio Edit Magic For Only 29.95$! Limited Time!

License (Audio Edit Magic)  Price


Single User License USD 39.95
USD 29.95

Small Company License USD 299

Site License USD 599

Worldwide License USD 1799

  How to register?

You may select the Start menu, followed by Programs, followed by "Audio Edit Magic", and, launch "Audio Edit Magic" , finally, click "Help->Registration" !
Once you are viewing the right screen, click "Already Purchased" button, enter your name and company and the registration code you obtained in your email and press the "OK" button.
You are now a registered owner of Audio Edit Magic!

  Lost Registration Code Policy

If you register and, for whatever reason, you do not receive an email with a registration code or if youí»ve reformatted your hard drive and cannot find your registration code, simply mail to submit a request. We will resend your code as soon as possible.

  Other Purchase Method (Fax, Phone, Snail mail check/money)

Copyright ?2000-2005 AudioEditMagic Soft Development Inc. All Rights Reserved.